Diary of A Wimpy Kid


Greg's dad-Greg's dad Is the 1st on the left.He is a very odd father and he is a serious junk food addict.He always tries to get Greg to go play a sport or hang out with friends, so far he has failed trying to do so.

Greg's mom-Greg's mom is on the right of his dad. And she is the kind of mom no one wants to have, she is way to over protective,she is super embarressing, and she packs really bad lunches.  

Rodrick (Greg's big brother)-Rodrick Is, well.... A BIG FAT MEANY!!! He picks on Greg all the time.

Manny (Greg's little brother) -Manny Is a real brat. He always seems to get what he wants and throws temper tantrums when he doesn't.

Fregley-Fregley is Greg's next door neighbor and is always getting on his nerves. He is also on the wrestling team, and in Greg's weight class too.

Rowley-Rowley is a really wierd kid but also Greg's best friend.His parents are super rich and Rowley has all the latest video games that Greg loves to play.

Greg-Greg (of course) is the wimpy kid writting in the diary. He is on the wrestling team doesn't do so well, and Greg absolutely loves to play video games.